Governors Windpower Coaliton Created

Published on: January 2, 2008

The wind energy industry received some notable bipartison support last month, as Minnesota Governor (and Republican) Tim Pawlenty and New Mexico Governor (and Democratic presidential candidate) Bill Richardson announced the formation of the Governors Windpower Coalition.

The two sent a letter inviting fellow governors to join the Governors Windpower Coalition, which aims to promote the increased use of wind energy in the U.S.

The Coalitions says its objectives are to discuss interstate collaboration, exchange information on wind technology and policy, commission research on critical wind policy issues and seek recommendations on federal and regional policy.

"America is at a tipping point," Governor Pawlenty said. "Our country is too dependent on imported sources of energy and greenhouse gas emissions continue to grow too quickly. Governors and states have a tremendous opportunity to lead the country toward a cleaner, more independent, more secure energy future."

A U.S. Department of Energy report ranks Minnesota fourth in windpower capacity and fifth in retail wind sales.

"Windpower holds tremendous potential for clean renewable energy for our country, and leading states – like New Mexico and Minnesota – are now harnessing that power in order to meet their renewable portfolio standard commitments," Governor Richardson said. "As the highest per-capita wind energy user in the nation, New Mexico is fully invested in wind power. This coalition has the potential to bring together states with abundant wind resources with states with a large demand for renewable energy, and with states where wind technology is developed – to create a powerful lobby on behalf of clean energy."

In 2006 the U.S. windpower market expanded dramatically with 2,454 megawatts (MW) of new capacity, which equates to about $3.7 billion invested in 2006. The American Wind Energy Association expects growth of 25% to 30% in windpower capacity in 2007 and through 2008.

The new coalition is modeled after the Governors’ Ethanol Coalition, which currently includes 30 member states. The Windpower Coalition will not receive funding from any industry sources.

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