Western Wind, Solon to Develop Solar Projects

Published on: December 4, 2007

Western Wind Energy (WND.V) announced plans to collaborate with Solon America Corporation, a subsidiary of Solon A.G. of Germany (S001.DE) on solar energy projects in California and Ontario, Canada.

Western Solargenics Inc., a subsidiary of Western Wind Energy, and Solon plan to development 5 to 40 MW of photovoltaic capacity in California and an additional 5 – 40 MW of in Ontario, according to a release.

Solon will supply the photovoltaic equipment and engineering, procurement and construction services, and Western will develop, own and operate the projects.

About Solon

Solon A.G. is one of the world’s leading producers of photovoltaic modules. Solon’s capital shares are currently trading at over US $100 per share equivalent, and has a market capitalization of over US $1.2 billion.

About Western Wind Endergy

Western Wind Energy claims to be the largest producing pure wind energy, publicly traded company (non-income trust) in North America. Western Wind Energy currently produces 34.5 MW of energy from over 500 wind turbine generators located in Southern California. Western Wind also has over 155 MW of expansion power sales agreements with the associated projects in the late stages of development.

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