Gulf Ethanol to Test New Cellulose Technology

Published on: December 4, 2007

Gulf Ethanol Corporation, (OTC:GFET) is ready to begin testing a new cellulosic feed-stock processing technology for commercial use.

The company recently acquired the exclusive right to a new technology, developed by Meridian Biorefining, Inc., that it says creates a fungible cellulose Auburn University studies demonstrated is highly effective as an ethanol feed-stock.

Beginning in December, the company says the first commercial processing unit will be moved to its permanent location near Houston for final testing.

The company says the end product–an extremely fine cellulose powder–will then be sent to multiple cellulosic ethanol companies and independent laboratories for final testing and analysis so that all results are fully verified.

Gulf says it will then fund the development of complete engineering plans for the retrofit of existing corn-based plants into cellulosic ethanol facilities. By mid-2008, the company says it expects to begin construction on processing facilities for its first commercial partners.

JT Cloud, President of Gulf Ethanol said, “We will focus on implementing cellulose processing units at underperforming existing plants operating on far more expensive food-based feedstocks. This will change the economics of these plants substantially and alter the ethanol equation forever.

About Gulf Ethanol Corporation

Gulf Ethanol, is an alternative energy company focused on the development of cellulosic ethanol technologies with a particular emphasis on Texas and the Gulf Coast.

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