Action Alert: Senate Vote

Published on: December 11, 2007

On Thursday of last week the House of Representatives passed an energy bill that would reduce carbon emissions and begin to move our country in the right direction on energy policy.
However, on Friday, the bill stalled out on the Senate floor. A majority supported it but not the 60 needed to prevent a Republican filibuster. In the words of the Washington Post, "the failure to close debate was a victory for the major oil companies, Southeastern utilities and coal-mining firms that had opposed the legislation."
The Senate is currently negotiating changes to the bill, and the measures most likely to be removed are the 15% Renewable Portfolio Standard and key portions of the tax package, which extends an important Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit and repeals tax breaks given to the oil and gas industries. 
As a vote is expected today or tomorrow, now is the time to act.
Call, fax, e-mail or visit your Senators to let them know how important it is to pass strong energy legislation. We must especially let those who opposed the bill know that the nation can settle for nothing less than an increase in fuel efficiency standards, support for renewable energy via a 15% by 2020 Renewable Portfolio Standard for utilities, and an extension of the production tax credit.  
The following Republican Senators supported the bill last week: Senators Collins (Me), Snowe (Me), Coleman (Mn), Thune (SD) or Smith (Or). 
The Republicans who did not support the bill and are more likely to be responsive are: Ensign (Nv), Grassley (Ia), Lugar (In), Brownback (Ks), Corker (Tn), Alexander (Tn), Stevens (Ak), Murkowski (Ak), Sununu (NH), Gregg (NH), Warner (Va) and Martinez (Fl).
Also, the following Democrats did not support the bill, and desperately need to be contacted: Bayh (In), Landrieu (La) and Byrd (WV). 
If you know anyone who lives in Indiana, Louisiana, or West Virginia please send them an e-mail and encourage them to call their Senators today!
You can call any U.S. Senator at 202-224-3121, or you can find their direct phone number at the website below. 


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