British Climate Bill to Propose Legally-Binding Emission Cuts

Published on: November 15, 2007

It appears that British legislators may beat their American counterparts in approving the first bill with legally-binding, emission-reduction commitments.

The British climate Change Bill is expected to be published today, beginning a parliamentary process that could create legal limits on the nation’s carbon emissions within six months.

British lobbyists and legislators have taken up many of the same debates currently being aired in Washington. Climate environmentalists and some politicians pushed for a target of 80% reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, but reportedly the bill will propose cutting national emissions by 60% by 2050 and about half that amount by 2025.

However, Environment Secretary Hilary Benn said last month he would ask for the creation of a climate monitoring committee to see if 80% reductions were necessary or achievable.

Reportedly, the bill will employ rolling five-year “carbon budgets,” as opposed to binding yearly targets.

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