Book Stores Promote Magazines That Use Recycled Paper

Published on: November 1, 2007

Nearly 400 Barnes and Noble and Hastings Books and Music stores nationwide will run in-store promotions highlighting magazines that use recycled paper, under a major push by Co-op America’s Magazine PAPER Project and Next Steps Marketing.

The “Green Paper for People and Planet” promotion will occupy prominent fixtures within these stores with special signage to highlight the magazines’ commitment to the environment. Each publication featured in the fixtures is an environmental leader in using recycled paper with at least 30 percent post-consumer content.

Six magazines that use recycled paper – Shape, Fast Company, Mother Jones, ReadyMade, Nickelodeon Magazine, and Body + Soul – will be prominently featured during November in 153 Hastings Books and Music stores.

Barnes and Noble has committed to offering 10 slots for magazines that use recycled paper at a heavily discounted rate with special signage in their top 240 stores in January. The promotion will roll out more widely in April 2008 in conjunction with Earth Day.

Says Maire Walsh, director of client services at Next Steps Marketing, “For the participating magazines, it can mean building awareness for their titles, increasing sale and market penetration. More importantly, it shows that there are magazines in our industry that are embracing recycled paper.”

Today, less than 5% of all magazine paper contains any recycled content.

The paper production industry is the fourth largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions of all US manufacturing industries. In addition, deforestation is responsible for 25-30 percent, or 2 billion tons, of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere each year.

The global warming savings from the six magazines featured in this promotion are substantial: collectively they save more than 21,698,223 pounds of carbon dioxide annually!

“The time is now for each and every magazine to step up and take responsibility for the impact their publication has on the environment,” says Valerie Latona, editor in chief of Shape magazine, the largest women’s consumer magazine using recycled paper. “You often hear about recycled paper being poor quality, or that it costs too much and won’t work financially for a publishing company; however, if Shape can do it with a 1.7 million circulation size and still be successful and profitable, I’d have to say those excuses are not valid. There can be no more excuses.”

If the entire North American magazine industry used just 30% post-consumer recycled paper, the results would be staggering:

” over 10 million trees would not be cut;

” the energy used to power 68,960 homes for a year would be saved

” the greenhouse gases emitted by 153,894 cars in a year would not be produced

” 3.4 million gallons of wastewater would not be produced

” 760,160,370 pounds of solid waste would be conserved

For a more comprehensive list of magazines using recycled paper and sustainable production processes, visit Co-op America’s Magazine PAPER Project:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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