Wal-Mart's Live Better Index Shows Americans are Buying More Green Products

Published on: October 22, 2007

Wal-Mart customers are increasing purchases of green products says the company in its first update of its Live Better Index data.

The Index was introduced this April to serve as an ongoing barometer of consumer attitudes and shopping behaviors. One focus of the ongoing study is products and attitudes surrounding environmental issues.

The most popular products are extended-life paper products, compact fluorescent light bulbs and organic milk.

Customers in Vermont are top adopters for all categories. Californians, followed by Connecticut and New Hampshire purchased the most compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) with an adoption rate of nearly 25%. Californians also led in purchases of organic baby food. Rhode Island leads the country in adoption of organic milk and Arkansas leads the way in adoption rates of compact laundry detergent. New Jersey jumped from #47 to #1 in extended-life paper products, which have also increased across the country because of increased offerings.

This year’s Index survey reveals that while 43% of Americans think they will be “extremely green” in the next five years, only 11% of Americans classify themselves as “extremely green” today.

Wal-Mart will now offer only concentrated liquid laundry detergent. The changeover is currently underway in the Southern region. The next wave will extend to the North and Midwest in February and finish in East coast states in April 2008. The transition will save vast amounts of natural resources – for water alone, the equivalent of 100 million individual showers will be saved.

Wal-Mart is selling reusable shopping bags for $1 at the checkout counter. The bags are made of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET), a woven fabric derived from recycled plastic bottles.

For the Index, Wal-Mart selected five everyday products to serve as nationwide trend indicators. They were selected because people can make a conscious decision to purchase them for their sustainable and cost-saving benefits versus conventional versions. They are frequently purchased items available in stores across the country, allowing Wal-Mart to track and monitor national and regional purchasing habits over time.

1. Compact florescent light bulbs (CFLs)
2. Organic milk
3. Concentrated/reduced-packaging liquid laundry detergents
4. Extended-life paper products
5. Organic baby food

Product adoption rates are based on Wal-Mart sales figures that represent the company’s fiscal year 2008 year-to-date ending October 12, 2007 and are inclusive of the 48 contiguous United States.

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