Plan to Reduce Methane, Soot Emissions Could Save Polar Bears

Published on: October 24, 2007

The Center for Biological Diversity released a “Rapid Action Plan” on to address global warming. It calls for strong reductions in methane and black carbon emissions, pollutants with disproportionate impacts on the Arctic, as immediate measures to slow global-warming impacts alongside global reductions in CO2 emissions.

The plan, titled “Not Too Late to Save the Polar Bear: A Rapid Action Plan to Address the Arctic Meltdown” was released in conjunction with a House Committee on Science and Technology hearing on the impacts of global warming on Arctic sea ice and the polar bear.

Kassie Siegel, director of the Climate, Air and Energy Program at the Center for Biological Diversity, testified at the hearing. “The rapid melting of the Arctic should be seen as an early warning of the broader climate crises to come if the U.S. and the world do not respond to global warming with the necessary urgency. Instead, like beachgoers chasing the receding waters immediately prior to a tsunami to gather up the exposed shellfish, nations and industry are racing to the newly ice-free areas to stake claims for fossil fuels and shipping routes that would lead us further down the path to climate catastrophe.”

Immediate reductions in carbon dioxide emissions to limit atmospheric CO2 concentrations are essential to preventing the worst impacts of global warming. However, CO2 reductions alone will not be enough to slow and reverse impacts to the Arctic in time to save polar bear populations from extinction. Therefore, it is also necessary to immediately reduce “non-CO2” pollutants such as methane, tropospheric ozone, and black carbon (soot), which disproportionately affect the Arctic.

Fortunately, there are many feasible reduction measures to eliminate hundreds of millions of metric tons of these “non-CO2” pollutants, including many measures that would pay for themselves. Furthermore, because of their relatively short life-spans in the atmosphere, reductions in methane and black carbon emissions can slow global warming over the next few decades, whereas CO2 persists in the atmosphere for more than a century.

The rapid action plan to address global warming in the Arctic:

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