aleo Solar Builds $16.5M Italian Order Book

Published on: August 6, 2007

aleo solar AG’s has secured a total international order book of approximately $83 million this year, including $16.5 million in the emerging Italian market.

aleo solar has had a sales team in Italy since mid-2006. Simplified legislation was passed in Italy at the beginning of 2007, where roof-mounted installations up to 50 kW in particular will be completed, as they attract high feed-in tariffs. aleo’s sales team was expanded in April and its strong specialist dealer support was presented at the “Solarexpo” trade fair in Verona.

For Jakobus Smit, CEO of aleo solar AG, the company’s internationalization strategy is paying off: “Our customers appreciate the combination of high-quality technology and local presence that we have demonstrated by having our own Italian sales team. We are offering our partners certification as aleo specialist dealers, which has been very popular. Partners who are certified receive preferential treatment in our aleo power network.”

“Outstanding German product quality, our many years’ experience of roof-mounted installations and our strong specialist dealer support make aleo solar a sought-after partner in Italy. Italy represents our most important international market next to Spain,” explains Christopher Dunne, international sales manager at aleo solar AG.

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