Ovonic Signs $108M Agreement with Advanced Green Technologies

Published on: July 25, 2007

United Solar Ovonic LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENER) has signed a three-year distributor agreement with Advanced Green Technologies, Inc. for $108 Million of Photovoltaic (PV) products.

A unit of Advanced Roofing, Inc., Advanced Green Technologies is offering sustainable building integrated solutions and renewable energy products for commercial and residential roofing applications using UNI-SOLAR® products.

California and 12 other states have recently embraced energy efficiency initiatives and renewable energy policies in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“We are convinced that our relationship with Advanced Green Technologies will further successful installations of building integrated solar power systems and demonstrate the use of UNI-SOLAR® products for improved energy self-reliance,” said Subhendu Guha, President and Chief Operating Officer of United Solar Ovonic.

Unlike traditional crystalline technology, which typically uses heavy glass panels, UNI-SOLAR® products are flexible, durable, lightweight, and easy to install. Because of these characteristics, UNI-SOLAR® triple-junction products offer the ideal solution for both grid-connected and off-grid solar electric systems. Independent studies in Europe and elsewhere have shown that triple-junction products deliver more energy per rated power than the conventional crystalline products.

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