Action Alert: Create A National RPS

Published on: July 31, 2007

A national standard of 20 percent renewable-based electricity by the year 2020 offers a least-cost, market-friendly way to ensure that we meet an increasing share of America’s growing electricity needs with clean, domestic energy resources while promoting energy security and providing an essential first step to address the global warming problem at a cost savings for the American public.

The long-term predictability of a National Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) will enable the industry to attract investment capital and achieve manufacturing economies of scale that will spur economic development, create tens of thousands of new renewable energy jobs, lower consumer prices, strengthen U.S. energy security, and help our environment.

Please contact your Representative and ask him or her to cosponsor and vote for H.R. 969, a bill that would create a national RPS, requiring utilities to generate or buy 20 percent clean, renewable energy by 2020, when the energy bill comes to the House floor next week. The RPS vote will be a pivotally important referedum on the future of renewable energy in the U.S.

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