Ontario Creates C$650M Green Car Fund

The Ontario government is setting up a C$650 million (US$611 million) incentive fund to help develop greener cars and related technologies.

Companies that invest in developing cleaner cars, fuels, and technologies in Ontario and help create green jobs in the province.

"What’s new is designing a fund specifically to develop and manufacture green technologies and products across all sectors," Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said in a statement.

"There are people out there who claim you have to choose between a strong economy and a clean environment. We understand that, in today’s world, to grow your economy you must green your economy."

The fund is modeled on Ontario’s C$500-million Automotive Investment Strategy, which has resulted in C$7 billion in new auto industry investments over the past four years.

McGuinty wants the federal government to provide matching funds.

The Canadian Auto Workers union president Buzz Hargrove supports effort saying, "It’s a big relief to see that somebody at least understands this industry, and tries to strengthen it while reducing greenhouse gases."

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