Computer Industry Launches Climate Savers Computing Initiative

Published on: June 13, 2007

Intel Corp (Nasdaq: INTC) and Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG) joined with Dell, EDS, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), HP, IBM, Lenovo, Microsoft, PG&E, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and more than 25 other organizations to launch the Climate Savers Computing Initiative.

The coalition has set aggressive energy efficiency targets for computers and components worldwide. Its goal is to achieve efficiencies of 90% by 2010, up from 50% today for computers and 66% for servers.

By 2010, the Climate Savers Computing Initiative will cut greenhouse gas emissions in an amount equal to removing more than 11 million cars from the road or shutting down 20, 500-megawatt coal-fired power plants — a significant step in reducing the emissions affecting our planet, said Pat Gelsinger, senior vice president and general manager of Intel’ Digital Enterprise Group.

The coalition is asking businesses and individuals around the world to join with them to institute better power management of their computing equipment and tp purchase energy-efficient computers.

Initial companies who intend to participate in the initiative represent both the demand and supply side of the computer industry, including computer manufacturers and chip makers, as well as environmental groups, energy companies, retailers, government agencies and more. The group will formalize its membership in coming weeks.

Computer and computer component manufacturers who support the initiative will initially commit to building energy-efficient products that meet or surpass the EPA’s Energy Star guidelines, and then meet increasing requirements during the next several years.

2007 Energy Star specifications require that PC power supplies meet at least 80% minimum efficiency, which would jump to a minimum of 90% by 2010. A higher efficiency target is required for volume servers – an increase from 85-92% efficiency by 2010.

Businesses must also commit to requiring high efficiency systems for the majority of their corporate desktop PCs and volume server purchases, and to deploy and use power management tools on desktop PCs.

Individuals can support the Initiative by pledging to buy an initiative-certified system (see link below), which is expected to cost about $20 more.

Initial Supporters

Intel Corporation
Google Inc.
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Canonical Ltd.
Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society
Coldwatt, Inc.
Dell Inc.
Delta Electronics, Inc
Electronic Data Systems Corp
EMC Corp
Fujitsu Ltd.
Hipro Technology Inc.
Hitachi, Ltd.
IBM Corp
LANDesk Software
Linux Foundation
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Natural Resources Defense Council
NEC Corp
One Laptop Per Child
PG&E Corp
Power-One, Inc.
Quanta Computer Inc.
Rackable Systems
Red Hat, Inc.
Starbucks Corp
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Supermicro Computer Inc.
University of Michigan
Verdiem Corporation
World Resources Institute
World Wildlife Fund
Yahoo! Inc.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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