UK Plans World's Largest Offshore Windfarm

Published on: May 18, 2007

Farm Energy Ltd, based in the UK, is planning the world’s largest offshore wind farm off the coast of Devon in southwest England. It called for a quick overhaul of Britain’s planning system to speed its development.

The “Atlantic Array” proposal is for 350 turbines that generate 1500 MW of energy. The project would cost 3 billion pounds (US$5.93 billion). It would supply energy for over a million homes. The company is currently building the largest offshore wind farm to date – a 1,000-megawatt London Array project in the Thames Eastuary.

“We are consulting early because we understand how long these projects take to come to fruition. The London Array is probably in its tenth or ninth year,” Farm Energy director Michael Huntingford told Reuters.

Next week, the government will release new policies designed to clear redtape from the planning process.

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