Suzlon Announces 400MW Wind Agreement with PPM Energy

Published on: May 3, 2007

Suzlon Wind Energy Corporation, the US-based subsidiary of Suzlon Energy A/S of Denmark, (SUZLON.NS) has signed a contract for 400 MW of wind turbine capacity with PPM Energy of Portland, Oregon, one of the largest wind power developers in North America.

The contract calls for delivery of 300 MW of turbine capacity in 2008 and 100 MW of capacity in 2009. This agreement is the single biggest contract that Suzlon has signed in the history of the company.

Suzlon’s S88-2.1 MW wind turbine is the featured machine of the agreement and will be delivered to various ready-to-build sites across the US starting in the summer of 2008.

“Suzlon has been flexible in working with PPM at the ground level on various technical issues, which has enhanced value to PPM and has forged a strong customer-supplier relationship” said Terry Hudgens, CEO of PPM Energy. “We believe our extensive experience with wind power technology, combined with Suzlon’s drive to continually improve is going to go a long way to benefit wind power projects to come.”

PPM Energy is part of the IBERDROLA group of companies, a world leader in wind power, with more than 6,500 MW of combined wind power capacity.

The turbine agreement includes the supply of 143 units of the S88-2.1 MW in 2008 and 48 units in 2009. Suzlon is also contracted for operations, maintenance and service of the wind turbines for two years and an option for five, and will do so by expanding its service territory with new facilities to meet demand.

Suzlon is one of the most integrated wind turbine manufacturers – with manufacturing capacity ranging from components to complete wind turbine systems, the entire value chain. The company has established manufacturing facilities around the world. Suzlon has manufacturing facilities in Belgium, China, India and the United States – covering the entire value chain from wind turbine components to complete wind turbine systems. Suzlon has a combined manufacturing base of 2,700 MW of annual capacity, and is undertaking an aggressive expansion program to expand its base to 4,200 MW of capacity by January 2008.

Suzlon ranked as the world’s fifth leading wind turbine manufacturer with over 6% of global marketshare in 2005. The company has ranked as the leading manufacturer in the Indian market for eight consecutive years, maintaining over 50% marketshare.

PPM Energy has more than 2,000 megawatts (MW) of wind energy in operation or under construction. The strength of its renewable project pipeline has allowed the company to increase its 2010 target by more than 50 percent to at least 3,500 MW developed or controlled by PPM Energy.

Major customers include the cities of Seattle, Sacramento, Eugene, Pasadena, and Anaheim, as well as investor-owned utilities such as Xcel Energy and Pacific Gas & Electric Company and the federal Bonneville Power Administration.

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