Survey Shows Disconnect Between Corporations & Investors

Thomson Financial, in partnership with IR magazine, conducted a survey to assess the importance of Corporate Responsibility to investors and Investor Relations Officers.

They surveyed 54 corporate officers across all industries and market capitalizations and 33 buy-side professionals.

– Over 82% of investors consider CR criteria in their investment decision.

– Though over 78% of investors rate CR concerns as important to their investment decision, IROs believe investor concern over CR issues is sharply lower.

– Nearly 73% of shareholders and 59% of IROs believe CR impacts share price.

Corporations and investors focus on different areas of corporate responsibility.

Only 40% of IROs answer shareholder questionnaires, and those that do spend less than five man-hours per month on the task. Very few companies currently communicate CR or governance information on their corporate website.

Approximately 60% of respondents believe their firms spend less than $50,000 a year on CR communications, and many of these respondents are uncertain that this amount is being well-spent. However, those respondents spending over $100,000 were more convinced that the spend is justified by the benefits.

70% of corporate respondents feel that their company is sincerely committed to corporate responsibility

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