ACTION ALERT: Small Wind Turbine Investment Tax Credit

Published on: May 2, 2007

The American Wind Energy Association has been working closely with Congress on bills S. 673 and H.R. 1772 that, if passed, would provide a tax credit of $1500 per kilowatt of capacity for small wind systems. The bill also calls for 3-year accelerated depreciation and a credit carry-over for a customer unable to take advantage of the entire credit within a one-year period.

There has been no federal support for small wind systems since 1985. Meanwhile, residential solar systems, which serve the same market as small wind, currently receive a 30% investment tax credit.

The federal Production Tax Credit (PTC) applies only to large utility-scale wind projects, not to individuals who want to install their own wind systems for on-site power. Federal support would help broaden the small-wind industry on a national scale.

There are now two Small Wind Investment Tax Credit bills in Congress – one in the House (H.R. 1772), and one in the Senate (S. 673) – that would provide individuals a tax credit when purchasing small wind turbines for their homes, farms, or small businesses.

To become law, these bills must show a broad range of support from Members of Congress. Having your members of Congress add their names to these bills as co-sponsors is one of the best ways to build this support.

Ways you can help get co-sponsors:

1. Call or e-mail your Senators’ offices and urge them to co-sponsor Senate bill S. 673, the “Rural Wind Energy Development Act,” introduced by Senators Ken Salazar (D-CO) and Gordon Smith (R-OR).

2. Call or e-mail your Representative’s office and request that they co-sponsor House bill H.R. 1772 (identical to the Senate bill), introduced by Representatives Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Tom Cole (R-OK).

You can do this easily online at:

Learn talking points for this bill by reading AWEA’s 1-page small wind fact sheet.

Please note that the following Congressmen have already co-sponsored these bills. However, it always helps to show them your appreciation and let them know this bill should be a priority for them.

Co-sponsors: (as of 4/11/07):

Senate: Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO), Sen. Gordon Smith (R-OR), Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).

House: Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), Rep. Conaway, Mike (R-TX), Rep. Paul Gillmor (R-OH), Rep. John Hall (D-NY), Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK), Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers (R-WA), Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ), Rep. Mark Udall (D-CO), Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA).

Other ideas for advocating small-wind legislation:

Sign up for your Senators’ and Representative’s e-mail lists to keep up-to-date on events such as town hall meetings near your home. This is a great way to express your position on S. 673 and H.R. 1772 in person. Visit
to find out who your Congressmen are and to link to their sites.

If you have a business involving small wind turbines, or have a turbine installed on your property, invite your Congressman or Senators to tour your facility/property. Post a link on your company (or personal) Web site to AWEA’s Small-Wind Action Alert Web page.

If you are a member of an organization, business, or advocacy group, consider sending this Action Alert to your fellow members. Plug in to AWEA’s Legislative Grassroots network by signing up.

You can check the progress on this bill, and the responsiveness of your Congressmen, by searching for bill numbers S. 673 and H.R. 1772 at [sorry this link is no longer available]


For more information on small wind, see

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