Top 10 US Cities for Renewable Energy

Which of the largest 50 US cities provide citizens with the highest percentage of power produced from renewable energy?

According to SustainLane, which determined the percentage of each city’s electricity that comes from renewables, Oakland, California leads at 17%.

San Francisco, Sacramento and San Jose tied for second place at 12%.

California cities rank high in general because of the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard, which set minimal requirements in 2002 for utility purchases of renewable energy for the state’s electric grid. That standard requires a 20% renewable energy total for the state’s utilities by 2020.

1. Oakland, CA (17%)
2. Sacramento/SF/San Jose, CA (12%) – tied
3. Portland, OR (10%)
4. Boston (8.6%)
5. San Diego, CA (8%)
6. Austin, TX (6%)
7. Los Angeles, CA (5%)
8. Minneapolis, MN (4.5%)
9. Seattle, WA (3.5%)
10. Chicago, IL (2.5%)

Just over 33% of US greenhouse gases came from electricity production in 2004, making it the leading category of such emissions over other areas such as transportation (27.9%), industry (19.6%) and agriculture (7%).

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