Solar Hot Water Could Save CA. 24% of Gas

Published on: April 27, 2007

The Environment California Research & Policy Center – along with a coalition of policy makers, environmental groups and businesses – released a report on the potential of solar water heating technologies.

It found that solar hot water could save California 1.2 billion therms of natural gas a year, the equivalent of 24% of all gas used in homes and equal to 5% of statewide gas consumption.

Solar water heating could reduce global warming pollution by 6.8 million tons of CO2 per year – 5% of the total reductions needed to meet the state’s greenhouse gas emissions cap by 2020.

In addition, consumers can cut their energy bills by up to 50% by investing in solar water heating technology. Some studies show that a 5% reduction in demand could shave 25-35% off California’s wholesale natural gas prices.

AB 1470, legislation currently moving through the state Legislature, is a companion to SB 1 signed into law last year, the Million Solar Roofs bill. As it created incentives for solar electric panels funded through a small surcharge on electricity bills, AB 1470 would work similarly for solar water heating systems through a small surcharge on natural gas bills.

Less than 1 percent of California buildings have systems installed today.

A study by KEMA-Xenergy, an en­ergy consulting group, modeled the potential energy savings of various energy efficiency measures that could be utilized in California homes, in­cluding solar hot water. The study showed that solar hot water systems could save more natural gas than any other technology: 971 million therms per year in houses, apartments, and mobile homes across the state.

Another study by KEMA-Xenergy found that solar hot water could save more natural gas than any other efficiency technology in commercial buildings as well. California’s com­mercial buildings could save 219 mil­lion therms of natural gas a year by installing solar hot water systems.

The “Executive Summary” for this report can be found at:

The full text of the 21-page report “Solar Water Heating – How California Can Reduce Its Dependence on Natural Gas” can be found at:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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