Q1 2007 Cleantech Venture Investment Totals EUR 663 Million

Published on: April 26, 2007

In Q1 2007, North American and European venture investment in the cleantech category totaled EUR 663 million.

This represented a 16.5% increase over the EUR 569 million invested in Q4 2006 and a 42% increase over Q1 2006 investment of EUR 465 million, according to Cleantech Venture Network.

European cleantech venture capital investment totaled EUR 126 million, a 6% increase over Q4 2006 and a 43% over Q1 2006. Germany accounted for EUR 28 million, or 22%, and UK investment reached EUR 46 million accounting for 36%. North American venture capital investment totaled EUR 536 million, an increase of 19% over Q4 2006 and 42% increase over Q1 2006 investment.

In Europe, EUR 72 million was invested in the energy generation category, garnering 57% of total European cleantech investment. The UK accounted for 40% of the total energy generation investment and Germany 20%. In North America, energy generation took in EUR 292 million, accounting for about 54% of total venture capital investment.

Q1 2007 growth follows a 45% increase in venture investment in 2006 over 2005. European and North American venture capitalist invested EUR 2.6 billion in 2006.

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