New Mexico Renewable Energy Standard Doubled

Published on: March 6, 2007

Governor Richardson signed SB418, which doubles New Mexico’s Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard from 10% by 2011 to 20% by the year 2020.

The bill also sets a renewable energy standard for all rural electric cooperatives, requiring them to get 10% of their electricity from renewables by 2020.

The Public Service Company of New Mexico is expected to meet the state’s current RPS of 10% several years ahead of schedule.

“Not only will this double the renewable energy developed it will also play a critical role in launching large scale solar power generation in the United States,” said Ben Luce, Policy Director of the Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy, CCAE. “This will provide for the first time a serious alternative to coal and nuclear power.”

The Governor also signed the Renewable Energy Transmission Authority, HB188, by Jose Campos (D-Santa Rosa). HB188 requires that lines contracted by the Authority have at least 30% of their energy come from renewable energy sources.

Investments in wind and other renewable energy technologies help generate tremendous new economic development opportunities in rural and agricultural areas of the country, enabling farmers, ranchers and landowners to grow a reliable new “cash crop” that doesn’t need water.

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