10 Entrepreneurs Receive $1M Grants

Published on: March 21, 2007

This year’s Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship include a former French businessman who is building networks to prevent the abuse of street children, two longtime environmentalists whose “Ecological Footprint” enables businesses and governments to measure their role in depleting the world’s ecological assets, a community activist who helps villages in India run sustainable sanitation and clean water facilities, and a former accountant who is helping replenish the world’s collapsing fish stocks with an international seafood eco-labeling and certification program.

The 10 recipients will each receive three-year grants of $1,015,000. The awards honor and provide support for organizations led by social entrepreneurs with a demonstrated track record of pioneering social innovations which have measurable objectives for increasing and expanding the impact of their work. The Skoll Awards are designed to advance lasting solutions to critical social challenges in six issue categories: tolerance and human rights, health, environmental sustainability, peace and security, institutional responsibility, and economic and social equity.

“This year’s awardees — as in prior years — all reflect the essence of a Skoll social entrepreneur: a practical innovator who creates sustainable engines at the grassroots level, putting into place the lasting means to get housing, education, health care and other critical resources to the world’s impoverished and vulnerable billions,” said Sally Osberg, President and CEO of the Skoll Foundation. “They offer a model for a new kind of leader who melds the discipline of business with the perspective of those less fortunate, and brings a tough-minded optimism to bear on the biggest challenges confronting our communities, our countries and the planet.”


Rupert Howes for Marine Stewardship Council — to combat declining levels of wild fish stock, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) offers the world’s only international seafood eco-labeling and certification program, which uses market forces to support sustainable fisheries. 500 MSC-labeled products from 22 certified fisheries are sold in 26 countries. Major companies such as Whole Foods in the U.S. and Marks and Spencer and Sainsbury in the U.K. have stocked MSC seafood, and in 2006 Wal-Mart announced that it would begin to source all its fish from MSC-certified suppliers.

Grant Objective: To increase market penetration in Europe, strengthen its U.S. presence, expand into the Asia/Pacific arena and certify at least eight more fisheries by 2010.

Dan Viederman, for Verite –Verite partners with hundreds of multinational brands, factories, NGOs, institutional investors and governments to improve social and environmental performance of global supply chains. Verite currently operates in more than 60 countries in electronics, apparel, footwear, food and beverage, and agriculture industries, among others, with a growing network of staff and partners.

By bringing practical auditing, training, capability building and research solutions to stakeholders of the global workplace, Verite improves the lives of global factory workers, who often suffer from unhealthy, exploitive working conditions and typically have no leverage to effect change. The organization has improved working conditions directly and indirectly for millions of workers around the world, delivered training to thousands of factories, and improved policy and addressed labor issues providing protections for millions of workers.

Grant Objective: To strengthen partnerships in dozens of countries and train 1,500 practitioners to replicate its model by 2010, with the potential to reach hundreds of thousands more workers worldwide.

Mathis Wackernagel and Susan Burns for Global Footprint Network — To combat humanity’s consumption of ecological resources beyond sustainable limits, Global Footprint Network developed the Ecological Footprint, a science-based tool that graphically shows the depletion of ecological assets and helps businesses and governments track impacts and make ecologically sound decisions. The Ecological Footprint is used by Wales, Switzerland and Japan, and by hundreds of other cities, counties, businesses, intergovernmental bodies and educational institutions.

Grant Objective: To add 15 national and/or international government agencies using the Ecological Footprint to the partner network by 2010.

Joe Madiath for Gram Vikas — Gram Vikas (Village Development) has developed a holistic approach to rural development in India that involves entire communities, with water and sanitation as the starting point. Founder Joe Madiath believes every home must have running water and sanitation before villagers will collectively seek a better quality of life through education, job training and healthy practices. The program has been implemented in 289 villages, reaching 22,347 households and has successfully proven that the rural poor can and will pay for better sanitation and water facilities.

Grant Objective: To bring water and sanitation to 100,000 families by 2010.

Roshaneh Zafar for Kashf Foundation — Kashf is a microfinance institution that offers women below the poverty line in Pakistan access to financial services. Kashf began with 15 clients in 1996 and now assists 15,000 clients, with a recovery rate of 99%. It delivers collateral-free microloans, savings and life insurance products through branches that become sustainable within 10 months. 35% of its clients move out of poverty within three years.

Grant Objective: To expand operations to 600,000 clients by 2010 in Pakistan’s Punjab and Sindh provinces.

Vicky Colbert for the Escuela Nueva Foundation — Since its creation in 1987, the Escuela Nueva Foundation has strengthened and promoted the Escuela Nueva (New School) model in Colombia and abroad, demonstrating that with the right educational approach, any child can achieve high academic standards and permanently escape poverty. The Escuela Nueva model reaches more than 5 million children in 14 Latin American countries, Uganda and the Philippines – the World Bank has recognized Escuela Nueva as one of the most innovative educational programs in the developing world.

Grant Objective: To support the Escuela Nueva Foundation’s Smart Scaling Campaign to reach an additional 1.5 million children by 2010 through current program expansion in Latin America and Uganda and by launching new programs in India, Peru, Costa Rica and Bolivia.

Craig and Marc Kielburger for Free The Children — Free The Children works with schools throughout North America to educate and empower youths to act locally and globally as agents of change for their peers around the world. More than 500,000 students have joined the organization’s Youth in Action groups in 1,000 schools across the U.S. and Canada. They have shipped $11 million in essential medical supplies and have provided health care projects benefiting more than 505,000 people.

Grant Objective: To expand in the U.S. and establish 800 new Youth in Action groups that raise an additional $1.5 million each year.

Dorothy Stoneman for YouthBuild USA — to help low-income young people who left high school without a diploma, YouthBuild re-enrolls them in an alternative YouthBuild school w
here they complete high school and build affordable homes for their neighbors, while transforming their own lives and becoming responsible citizens and good parents with well-paying jobs. Each year, YouthBuild programs engage 8,000 youths in local programs supported by the national YouthBuild USA organization in 42 states and produce affordable housing for 1,000 low-income or homeless families.

Grant Objective: To build a critical mass of role models and have 500 YouthBuild students communicate their experience to audiences of millions, expand the program and fund a re-entry program for adjudicated youths in three states.

William Strickland for Manchester Bidwell Corporation — Through a nationally recognized model for arts education, vocational training and community development, Manchester Bidwell Corporation has increased college enrollment and graduation rates and has reduced unemployment for thousands of young people each year in impoverished urban environments across the U.S.

Since 1984, MBC and its subsidiaries have operated art and recording studios, computer classrooms and industrial kitchens, among other facilities, demonstrating that an inspiring space and state-of-the-art equipment lead to more motivated and engaged students.

Grant Objective: Support replication programs in six cities that will serve 1,800 additional youths by 2009.

Sebastien Marot for Friends-International — Since 1994, Friends-International has been running projects worldwide for and with street children, attempting to reintegrate these children into society. Each year 85,000 children benefit from their programs and partner organizations in Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Honduras, France, Switzerland, the US and Germany.

Grant Objective: To build a financially sustainable global network of partners capable of helping 500,000 street children each year.

About the Skoll Foundation

Headquartered in California’s Silicon Valley, the Skoll Foundation was created by eBay’s first president, Jeff Skoll, to fulfill his vision of a world where all people, regardless of geography, background or economic status, enjoy and employ the full range of their talents and abilities.

The Skoll Foundation invests in social entrepreneurs through the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship. It connects them through Social Edge, an online community at www.socialedge.org
, and via the annual Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship at the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Said Business School, University of Oxford.

It celebrates social entrepreneurs through such projects as the PBS Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Fund, which enables filmmakers, documentarians and other journalists to produce works that tell the stories of individual social entrepreneurs and promote large-scale public awareness of social entrepreneurship.

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