Nearly 31 Million Certified Organic Hectares Worldwide

Published on: February 15, 2007

The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), the Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the Foundation for Ecology and Farming (SOL) will present the latest statistics about organic agriculture worldwide at BioFach 2007, based on the study, “The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends 2007.”

Nearly 31 million hectares around the world are currently certified according to organic standards.

Australia continues to account for the largest certified organic surface area, with 11.8 million hectares, followed by Argentina (3.1 million hectares), China (2.3 million hectares) and the USA (1.6 million hectares). Germany is in the seventh position worldwide.

The most significant portion of global organic surface area is in Oceania (39%), followed by Europe (23%) and Latin America (19%).

In terms of the certified organic agriculture as a proportion of all arable agricultural surface area, the Alpine countries, such as Austria with more than 14%, top the statistics.

Dr. Helga Willer und Minou Yussefi, who have headed the study for the last eight years, emphasize that the growth exhibited in the USA (more than 400,000 hectares) and certain European countries (more than 110,000 hectares in Italy and 85,000 hectares in Poland) has been most noteworthy. In addition to the certified organic arable land, nearly 62 million hectares are currently certified to organic standards for the collection of wild product, according to research by the International Trade Center.

The global market for organic products reached a value of 25.5 billion Euros in 2005, with the vast majority of products being consumed in North America and Europe, according to Organic Monitor. For 2006, the value of global markets is estimated to be at more than 30 billion Euros.

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