77% of U.S. voters believe that our nation must do more to promote green technologies, according to a poll by Zogby International and TechNet’s Green Tech Task Force. TechNet is a bipartisan political network of high tech CEOs promoting the growth of the innovation economy.
“The magnitude of global energy and environmental challenges demands that we act now to implement a sound energy strategy based on U.S. innovation,” said John Doerr, TechNet Founder and Partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. “TechNet is committed to working with the President and Congress to reshape our energy future.”
Other poll results:
75% of respondents say their purchasing decisions have been influenced by a desire to save energy and improve the environment over the past year.
77% of the voting age populations say they have improved the energy efficiency of their homes.
56% say they save energy by making purchases over the Internet, and 50% say they telecommute or email to reduce travel.
When asked their preferred alternative to oil and coal as energy sources, respondents chose: solar power (28%), biofuels (24%), wind (16%) nuclear energy (14%) and fuel cells (4%).
For complete polling results, go to: