Democratic Senators Urge Bush to Significantly Increase Clean Energy Funding

Published on: October 19, 2006

On October 11th, Democratic Senators wrote President Bush urging him to include in his FY 2008 budget funding to support an Appolo scale project on clean energy for the 21st Century.

The letter to President Bush stated:

“Toward this end, we hope that your fiscal year 2008 budget request will include significant increases in funding to promote and accelerate energy efficiency, biofuels, alternative fuels and vehicles, including flex-fuel plug-in vehicles, clean coal and carbon sequestration, and clean and renewable energy. It should provide for expansion and long-term extensions of tax incentives and credits for production of renewable energy and fuels, for energy efficiency, investments and technology, and for manufacture of advanced efficient vehicles. A good starting point would be to at least fund the clean energy programs you enthusiastically supported in the Energy Policy Act of 2005.”

The letter was signed by Senators Reid, Durbin, Cantwell, Bingaman, Byrd, Inouye, Dorgan, Feinstein, Kerry, Wyden, Obama, Lieberman, Menendez, Stabenow, Landrieu, Reed, Johnson, Lautenberg, Leahy Akaka, Boxer, Salazar, Dodd and Baucus.

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