SunOpta Quadruples Acai Business

Published on: September 8, 2006

SunOpta Inc. (Nasdaq:STKL; TSX:SOY) expects to quadruple its sales of Acai in North America to approximately $4.0 million over the next 12 months.

“The Acai frozen pulp is sold to food manufacturers as an ingredient in fruit juices, smoothie blends, and soy and dairy applications such as sorbets. It has become the most sought after fruit from our base of customers because of its unique health benefits” says Joseph Stern, Executive VP of SunOpta’s Fruit Group, who imports the Acai from Brazil.

In addition, the Company announced that SunOpta’s Canadian Food Distribution Group has signed an exclusive agreement to market the Belizza line of Acai and pomegranate sorbets, which are expected to add a further $1.0 million in revenue.

Acai is harvested by hand and processed within 24 hours from the Amazon in Brazil and has the highest antioxidants of any fruit in the world and is an almost perfect blend of essential amino acids along with a high level of omega fatty acids and vitamins. Antioxidants are compounds that may help inhibit premature aging, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer disease by neutralizing free radicals. The Acai berries are harvested in a sustainable manner creating jobs in the Amazon and preserving the Rain Forest. A portion of the fruit price goes back to the indigenous peoples in the Amazon to help support schools and provide books and other educational tools to children.

Steve Easterbrook commented, “SunOpta’s Food Distribution Group is pleased to have partnered with Belizza to bring a leading edge, healthy, unique, high quality and great tasting desert treat to the Canadian marketplace.”

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