SolarWorld Gets 8MW Order

Published on: August 28, 2006

SolarWorld has secured its largest order to date – to supply 8 MW of solar capacity to technology instituteSpanish Instituto Technolgico y de Energas Renovables (ITER). The deal – which is in the double digit million euros – follows a 2005 order from ITER for over 2 MW. ITER plans to build Spain’s biggest large-scale solar power station on the Canary Island.

"Says Frank Henn, CSO of SolarWorld, "This record order will strengthen our position in the growing Spanish solar market. It will also recommend us for other large-scale solar projects and solar jobs that are currently dominating the Spanish solar market." SolarWorld AG is expanding its international business in selected foreign markets in a target-oriented fashion.

Spain is one of the most important export regions for SolarWorld, which is among the largest foreign solar technology providers. After the first quarter of 2006 the subsidiary company SolarWorld Iberica in Madrid was already able to match the total annual sales of the previous year. On the whole, the export rate of the group amounted to 40% in the first half of the year. Across all divisions the group is striving to increase the share of international business to 70% in the next few years.

CEO Frank Asbeck points out that the growing international business was leading to more jobs in Germany. "This export order alone will secure 80 jobs in our factories for one year."

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