The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) released a Request for Offer (RFO) for purchase of renewable energy. This RFO will help SMUD identify potential renewable energy contracts to help the utility meet its Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) goals and Greenergy® program requirements.
Greenergy is the utility’s green pricing program, which gives residential and commercial customers the option to pay a monthly premium to ensure that selected amounts of renewable power are purchased on their behalf.
SMUD’s renewable energy target is to have 12 percent of its electricity needs met with renewables by 2006 and 23 percent by 2011. SMUD’s need for renewable energy continues to increase due to the utility’s commitment to expand the amount of power from renewable sources in its power mix and a need to replace current contracts that expire in the coming years.
SMUD is soliciting offers for conventional renewables, such as wind, geothermal, small hydroelectric, landfill gas, biomass and biodiesel. Renewable electric energy providers and project developers can download the RFO documents from SMUD’s Electronic Bid Solicitation System (EBSS) Web site (see below). Registration to the EBSS site is required to access the documents. Interested parties should list their company name in the Category of “Renewable Power” and in one or more of the following Renewable Power subcategories: Generation Energy, Geothermal Power, Landfill Gas Power, Renewable Power-Other, Small Hydro Power, and Wind Power.
Registered companies will receive updated information regarding this solicitation as well as notification of future solicitations for purchase of renewable power.