Bipartisan House Resolution Calls for U.S. to Negotiate Climate Commitments

Published on: August 8, 2006

On July 25, Rep. Carnahan (D-MO) and co-sponsor Rep. Leach (R-IA) introduced a concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 453) in the House expressing the Sense of Congress regarding the need for the United States to address global climate change through the negotiation of fair and effective international commitments. The resolution language mirrors that of the Lugar-Biden Sense of the Senate resolution (S. Res. 312), which was introduced in the Senate in November and reported out of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations July 25.

Both resolutions call for U.S. participation in negotiations under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change to establish mitigation commitments for all countries that are major emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs). The Carnahan-Leach resolution states that the United States should act to reduce the health, environmental, economic, and national security risks posed by global climate change, foster sustained economic growth through a new generation of technologies and to achieve a significant long-term reduction in global GHG emissions. The Carnahan-Leach resolution was referred to the Committee on International Relations.

Click on the following link for the text of the resolution:

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