Satcon Receives $1.3M in Contracts

Published on: May 17, 2006

SatCon Technology Corporation (NASDAQ NM: SATC) has been awarded two contracts totaling $1.3 million.

Navy Amplifier Cooling Contract

A Phase II SBIR contract for the integration and packaging of a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) with thermoelectric cooler (TEC) for the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR). The contract value is $749,998.

SatCon’s Applied Technology division will design, fabricate, test and deliver a prototype, integrated LNA with TEC package for use in shipboard communications systems electronics that will improve the amplifiers range and sensitivity. The effort supports SPAWAR’s mission of “transforming information into decisive effects” by improving signal acquisition and digital signal processing for communications and radar systems for Navy ships.

The award is an outgrowth of SatCon’s previous thermal management research on using TEC technology to cool sensors and electronics in aircraft anti-radiation defense systems.

SatCon Chairman and CEO, David Eisenhaure stated, “SatCon is pleased to have a role in the US Navy’s development of new communications technology. This contract supports our stated initiative to expand our defense related business. Other potential applications include radar electronics cooling.”

Class K Contract Awards

SatCon Electronics, a wholly-owned subsidiary and designer and manufacturer of high reliability electronic components, has been awarded a $600,000 in contracts for Class K components. These contracts include production of Class K power regulators and high-resolution data converters for major US based satellite manufacturers.

Jack Worthen, SatCon Electronics President, stated, “These new awards for Class K production are a major step forward with our new strategic direction for SatCon Electronics initiated in 2005”. A standard product line of power components for space level applications will be released later this year.

Managed by The Defense Supply Center Columbus (DSCC), Class K device manufacturing provides the industries highest quality and reliability for electronic parts through a number of specifications, standards, and test methods. Class K requirements address the special needs of space users and are the only class of product routinely used in space flight hardware. SatCon Electronics is one of a select few manufacturers in the United States with Class K certification.

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