12-Step Program to Break America?s Oil Habit, Stop Global Warming

Published on: May 4, 2006

The U.S. Public Interest Research Group recommends the following 12-step program to reduce America’s dependence on oil and help stop global warming:

? Require cars and trucks to go farther on a gallon of gas. According to the National Academy of Sciences, currently available technology can make cars and trucks nearly double their gas mileage to an average of 40 mpg within a decade without reducing the size, power, or variety of cars available to consumers. Had the President done this in 2001, consumers would be saving more than $8.7 billion in 2006 alone (more than $500 per new vehicle.)

? Adopt nationwide limits on global warming pollution to ensure that we prevent the worst impacts of global warming.

? Move away from oil by requiring a minimum amount of farm-based bio-fuels.

? Stop efforts to open the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. The Refuge would provide less than a year’s worth of oil that would take ten years to get to market.

? Maintain strong protections against drilling off our beautiful coasts. Given the benefits of renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency, we should not drill off our beaches.

? Save taxpayers money by repealing the $10.7 billion (over the next five years) in tax breaks for the oil, and gas industry.

? Fund clean energy programs by enacting a windfall tax on excessive oil industry profits.

? Reduce the amount we drive by increasing the federal investment in public transportation.

? Help consumers buy more fuel efficient cars by expanding tax credits for the most fuel efficient vehicles.

? Restore states’ rights to regulate automobile fuel economy standards. Some of the most far-reaching energy solutions are being pioneered in the states. The federal law blocking states from requiring cars to get better gas mileage should be eliminated.

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