90% of Americans Concerned About Environment

Published on: April 10, 2006

Soaring energy prices, an increase in global warming, news about the rise in CO2 levels and pollution, and rapid deforestation may explain why 90% of Americans are somewhat and very concerned about the future of the environment.

This is the finding from the latest GMIPoll global online survey of 9,000 people in nine countries (by Global Market Insite, Inc.).

Americans worry a “great deal” or “fair amount” about a number of environmental issues, including global warming, the loss of natural habitat for wildlife and the loss of tropical rain forests; however, the GMIPoll finds that the most significant concerns are the following:

— Pollution of lakes, rivers and reservoirs (85%)

— Air pollution (82%)

— Using up the country’s natural resources (79%)

— Contamination of soil and water by toxic waste (78%)

As most of the U.S.’ drinking water comes from lakes and reservoirs, it is not a surprise Americans are worried about pollution in this area. Nearly 56% of respondents are somewhat or very concerned about the possibility of running out of clean, drinkable water in their lifetime.

When asked the best ways to decrease dependency on foreign oil, 88% of respondents indicated that buying vehicles that use alternative fuels is somewhat or most effective, while 89% of Americans note that investing in alternative energy is somewhat or most effective. This is compared with other choices, such as using public transportation, which was embraced by 70% of respondents.

When asked about the economy and the environment, 49.4% of respondents slightly or strongly disagree that low prices and more jobs today are more important than protecting the environment for the future (vs. 15.9% who slightly agree and 5.5% who strongly agree).

According to the GMIPoll, Americans are willing to spend more money on “green” products. The poll shows that in the past 12 months, nearly half (49%) of respondents bought toilet paper or kitchen towels made from recycled paper a fair or great amount; while close to 70% use lower energy light bulbs a fair or great amount despite the higher cost (an average 60 watt light bulb costs $.42 vs. $2.99 for a low-energy one with the same wattage, source: Light Bulbs Etc.).

Additionally, respondents indicate they incorporate other green practices in the home on a regular basis:

— 62% recycle cardboard, glass or plastic containers

— 67% purposely cut down on the amount of electricity/gas their household uses

— 53% cut down on the use of water

Furthermore, a good percentage of Americans are investing in organic with close to 37% indicating that they bought organic food a fair or great amount in the past 12 months.

Additionally, 40% of respondents indicate that they avoided buying products whose packaging, when disposed of, causes potential harm to wildlife.

The nine countries polled for this study were the United States, Australia, Canada, the UK, Germany, Brazil, France, China and Russia.

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