SatCon Wins Army Subsystem Vehicle Contract

Published on: March 28, 2006

SatCon Technology Corporation (Nasdaq NM: SATC) has been awarded a contract from BAE Systems to develop a Starter Generator for the Future Combat System (FCS) Multifunction Utility/Logistics Equipment (MULE) unmanned ground vehicle. The MULE vehicle is one of the major systems in the FCS program and includes three variants of the 2.5-ton vehicle that provide transport, countermine, and light assault support for the Future Force war fighter.

SatCon’s President and COO, Millard Firebaugh, stated, “SatCon is pleased to be participating in the Army’s FCS transformation program. This contract supports our stated strategic initiative to focus on hybrid vehicle technology and applications. The FCS program is the major military ground vehicle program, and enables SatCon to develop vehicle power technology for the military that we can then leverage for commercial and consumer applications.”

The award expands on SatCon’s portfolio of vehicle power technology with the development of an integrated starter/generator (ISG) based on advanced and proprietary SatCon permanent magnet machinery design concepts. This technology has direct applicability to both military and civilian hybrid electric vehicle applications and represents a major step forward in “under the hood” power density.

SatCon’s Applied Technology division will design, fabricate, test, and deliver three Starter Generator units for a prototype MULE vehicle that will be used as a test bed for the MULE vehicle full-scale development program. Final unit delivery is scheduled for May, 2006. This is a subcontract to BAE Systems, the Power and Propulsion Subsystem integrator to Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, the prime contractor for the MULE vehicle, who was recently awarded the System Development and Demonstration (SDD) Phase. Douglas Thrall, Program Director for BAE Systems, stated, “SatCon provided a superior ISG offering that will substantially reduce SDD phase program risk for the MULE program. We are pleased to have them as a member of our team.”

This Starter Generator technology is based on machinery research and development conducted at SatCon on low weight permanent-magnet rim-motors for naval underwater propulsor applications, and high power density liquid cooled machinery for hybrid electric vehicle applications.

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