FuelCell Selected for DoE Fuel Cell Project

Published on: February 1, 2006

FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE) has been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for a five-year, $2.1 million cost-shared project to develop a high temperature membrane for low humidity operation of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cells.

FuelCell Energy was awarded one of 12 competitively bid projects that will receive a total of $19 million in federal funding for polymer membrane research. The overall goal of this research is to advance membrane durability and extend shelf-life, while simultaneously bringing down its cost. The project includes the development of a composite membrane for high temperature (120(degrees)C) PEM fuel cell operation. The composite membrane is intended to have the mechanical strength and water retention capability required for efficient operation and reduced system cost. Traditional PEM fuel cells operate at approximately 60(degrees)C to 80(degrees)C and operation at higher temperatures would reduce cost and increase efficiency.

The project award is part of a broader program announced on Jan. 24, 2006, totaling $119 million in funding and including a roadmap aimed at identifying and overcoming the technical and manufacturing challenges associated with the further development of commercially available hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The DOE will provide $100 million over four years for additional research projects seeking to improve fuel cell membranes, water transport within the stack, advanced cathode catalysts and supports, cell hardware, innovative fuel cell concepts, and effects of impurities on fuel cell performance and durability.

“This project award by the DOE recognizes our expertise in all fuel cell research and development,” said R. Daniel Brdar, President and CEO of FuelCell Energy. “It shows that we are a part of this nation’s drive for high efficiency and environmentally responsible power generation to help attain the country’s goal of reducing harmful emissions and increasing energy independence.”

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