Solar Panels for Hybrid Cars Improve MPG

Published on: December 7, 2005

Solatec LLC(TM) is introducing flexible, rooftop-mounted Solar Panels for Hybrid Vehicles, starting with a kit for the 2004-2006 Toyota Prius. The $2,195 kits will be available nationwide through dealer franchises.

A prototype has been operating in the Northeast for several months under mixed driving conditions. With Solatec panels installed on the roof, the prototype SolaPrius averages 55 MPG city and 62 MPG highway – an overall 10 percent improvement over the pre-installation numbers. All-season testing is in progress.

Solatec’s photovoltaic kit adds two flexible, conformal panels that charge the hybrid automobile’s auxiliary battery through a proprietary charger/current-limiter system concealed behind interior trim panels. The self-adhesive, rooftop-mounted panels are only 0.6mm thick and cause no change in aerodynamic drag.

Development of the hybrid vehicle solar panels came about as a side project of Solatec LLC’s solar aircraft research, which uses the same high efficiency flexible photovoltaic panels to sustain the aircraft in flight. The same aircraft grade adhesive is used on both systems.

Kits for other hybrid cars are presently in development and testing.

Installation franchises are currently available in most areas.

Solatec LLC is a Nevada company engaged in alternative energy research, development and manufacturing. Solatec’s main areas of research currently include solar, wind power and geothermal energy.

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