Federal investments in wind energy research and development (R&D) will be severely restricted during 2006 with a whopping $13 million of the $39 million available for 2006 being carved out – or earmarked – for 17 specific local projects requested by individual members of Congress. “Earmarking one-third of the wind energy R&D program without adding more funds significantly harms important ongoing efforts,” said AWEA Executive Director Randall Swisher. “It results in an effective budget of only $26 million for crucial efforts at the National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) aimed at continuing to drive down the costs of the technology.”
In addition to the R&D budget carve-outs, the overall program will also suffer a cut from $41 million to about $39 million. The restrictions and the $2 million cut were included in the annual Energy and Water Development appropriations, or spending, bill (H.R. 2419) just passed by the House and Senate. “The Senate had originally proposed an $8 million cut in wind investments below current spending,” said AWEA Legislative Director Jaime Steve, “but AWEA and its allies were able to restore $6 million of that amount.” Steve added, “We were also successful in keeping Senate calls to restrict the Department of Energy’s research on off-shore wind from being included in the final bill.”
The wind R&D cuts come as part of a much broader budget cutting effort in Congress aimed at trying to pay for the enormous unplanned relief spending tied to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It is possible that Congress may also impose a further across-the-board spending cut on all Federal programs to pay for additional hurricane relief.