ASE Launches Index Of State Energy-Efficiency Policies

Published on: October 10, 2005

The Alliance to Save Energy’s online searchable State Energy Efficiency Policy Index is now live on the Web.

This comprehensive index allows policy makers, state officials, advocates, and citizens to search easily for energy-efficiency laws, by state or by policy topic. Many new energy-efficiency policy initiatives are tested at the state level, so this educational resource will help disseminate and share such policies among states and allow them to learn from each other.

The index is organized by policy issue: appliance standards, building codes, greenhouse gas emission cap & trade programs, energy-efficiency funds, public benefits funds, tax incentives, transportation initiatives, and other legislation. Users can also click on a interactive map of the US to download a full listing of energy- efficiency laws on the book in each state.

“Paired with our monthly electronic State Energy Efficiency Policy Bulletin, which tracks pending legislative and regulatory action in the states, the Alliance is the ‘one-stop’ shop for information on state energy-efficiency policies,” said Alliance President Kateri Callahan.

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