Medis Announces Successful Tests of its Refuelable Fuel Cells

Published on: August 30, 2005

Medis Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ:MDTL) announced that its refuelable fuel cell Power Packs, developed to power an Itronix Corporation tablet (GoBook(TM)) under a contract with General Dynamics with funding from the U.S. Air Force, performed successfully in meeting the specified test criteria. The Power Pack produces eight watts at 5.0 volts output and when depleted of its fuel can be refueled by a fuel cartridge in a matter of seconds.

“This fuel cell power pack, which we developed for use with the Itronix GoBook(TM) funded by the Air Force, demonstrates the breadth of our technology to deliver much greater power – more than six times the watts – than our disposable power pack for cell phones and other portable devices,” said Robert K. Lifton, Chairman and CEO of Medis Technologies. “It also demonstrates our ability to produce a refuelable fuel cell using a refueling cartridge as compared with our disposable product.

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