Austin Kicks off Plug-In Hybrid Campaign as Template for National Campaign

Published on: August 24, 2005

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The City of Austin today officially launched "Plug-In Austin," a community-wide campaign to promote the mass production of plug-in hybrids.

Plug-ins would combine today’s new gas-electric hybrid technology with a larger battery that could be recharged by plugging it into a standard wall socket. The battery would be sufficient to meet every day commuting needs that could reduce annual gasoline consumption for many Americans by as much as 70%.

The Austin plan, viewed as a template that will be used by communities across the country, includes:

a City Council resolution supporting the mass production of plug-in hybrid vehicles

local seed money from electric utilities (Austin Energy will provide$1 million) to help local governments, businesses and citizens purchase an initial round of plug-ins

commitments for fleet orders by the City, County, other local governmental agencies and businesses

a grass roots petition drive to collect signatures from citizens encouraging auto makers to mass produce plug-in hybrids.

"Plug-in hybrids can help significantly address two very serious problems facing our communities and our country," says Austin mayor Will Wynn. "The over-reliance of America on oil imports and the need to improve air quality in our cities by reducing pollution from automobiles."

The appeal of plug-in vehicles is underscored by the fact that 78% of Americans live within 20 miles of their jobs. A battery pack sufficient to power a vehicle 35 miles on a charge would mean a majority of Americans would likely need to fill up with gasoline only once or twice a month. In addition, an "electric" gallon of gas would cost 70 to 80 cents at prevailing electric rates. A plug-in hybrid that gets 25 miles on a gallon of $2.55-national-average gasoline could travel more than 100 miles on $2.55 worth of "electric" gallons of energy.

"This is an economic stability initiative," notes Travis County Judge Sam Biscoe. "Escalating fuel prices are hurting everyone. They hinder our ability to deliver services, they drive up the cost of all goods and they create tremendous hardship on businesses and households operating on small margins."

Prototype plug-in hybrids are being tested today as popular models of todays standard hybrid is being converted into plug-ins with excellent results. Next year, Austin will join some 10 other cities across the country to test a prototype plug-in hybrid Sprinter Van built by DaimlerChrysler, the only automaker currently considering the full production of plug-ins.

"The advanced battery technology needed for a plug-in is being produced right here in Austin by Valence Technology," says Kirk Watson, Chair of the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce. "Plus plug-ins represent a new revenue stream for electric utilities that would keep "transportation" dollars in our communities rather than sending them to foreign countries."

A key component of the Plug-In Austin campaign will be a petition drive. Austin environmental, civic and business groups will circulate petitions with the goal of collecting at least 10,000 signatures by December. Austinites can visit to sign the petition and for information on the Plug-In Austin initiative.

Naturally a key to the plug-in hybrid equation will be cost. Studies by the Electric Power Institute (EPRI) project that after considering the lower costs of fuel and maintenance, a mass-produced plug-in hybrid should provide better overall economics than either a hybrid or a conventional vehicle.

The mass production of plug-in hybrids is also widely supported by environmental groups such as Environmental Defense and by a long list of national security policy groups such as Set America Free which includes former CIA Director James Woolsey and former Secretary of State George Schultz.

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