The Ashlawn Group has been awarded a contract by the U.S. Army’s Armament, Research and Engineering Center to produce and demonstrate the performance of 120 fuel cells of Ashlawn’s proprietary fuel cell, the PEMERY(TM) P-100, for use as post-launch power source for the Army’s Multi-Option Fuze Artillery (MOFA).
“This effort applies cutting edge fuel cell technology to the munitions marketplace — a non-traditional market for fuel cells. At the current full- rate annual production of roughly 100,000 units for the M782 Multi-Option Fuze Artillery, full-rate production of P-100 would double the current fuel cell production output in the United States of America, having enormous implications for creating economies of scale in U.S. fuel cell production.
Ashlawn’s fuel cell technology has the potential to elevate flight times and on-board post-launch power performance to a whole new level, not seen anywhere in the world today. There is a lot of room for growth for this new technology,” according to Ashlawn’s President, Norma Byron. Ashlawn is currently working with power source users to expand use of its patented fuel cell technology to both military and civilian applications.