Starbucks Partners with the African Wildlife Foundation

Published on: June 24, 2005

Building on its ongoing global coffee sustainability commitment to coffee farms and cooperatives throughout the world, Starbucks Coffee Company (Nasdaq:SBUX) and the African Wildlife Foundation today announced the launch of the “Coffee for Conservation” project, aimed at promoting coffee quality, environmental sustainability and natural resource conservation in East Africa. The three-year “Coffee for Conservation” project, will focus on providing training for farmers to produce high quality coffee and ensuring natural resource conservation in two East African countries. It will be launched in Kenya in the first year with plans to extend to other regions, such as Tanzania, in the following years.

With more than 45 years of experience in conservation and wildlife management in Africa, African Wildlife Foundation will lead and manage the project on the ground in Kenya. Starbucks primary roles will be to provide financial and technical support in terms of training and resources.

Starbucks socially responsible purchasing practices include paying premium prices for the highest quality arabica coffee, providing farmers with access to affordable credit, investing in social development projects, purchasing conservation and certified coffees (such as Fair Trade Certified(TM) and organic coffees), collaborating with farmers through the Starbucks Coffee Agronomy Company (Farmer Support Center) in Costa Rica and encouraging farmers and industry participation in C.A.F.E. Practices.

C.A.F.E. Practices (Coffee and Farmer Equity Practices) is a set of coffee buying guidelines designed to help coffee buyers and coffee farmers ensure the production of high-quality coffee, promote equitable relationships with farmers, workers and communities, and protect the environment

Founded in 1961, the African Wildlife Foundation is the leading conservation organization focused solely on the African continent. African Wildlife Foundation African Wildlife Foundation’s programs and conservation strategies are based on sound science and designed to protect both the wild lands and wildlife of Africa and ensure a more sustainable future for Africa’s people.

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