Hydrogenics Signs Army Contract for Fuel Cell System

Published on: May 25, 2005

Hydrogenics Corporation (NASDAQ:HYGS; TSX:HYG) announced it has signed a contract to manufacture a self-contained regenerative fuel cell power system to provide auxiliary power for a U.S. Army Stryker Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV).

This is a collaborative government project whereby Radian Inc. has entered into a contract with the United States Army (TACOM/TARDEC), and Hydrogenics has signed a defence industrial research contract with Defence R&D Canada, an agency of the Canadian Department of National Defence. The regenerative power system, an integrated configuration of Hydrogenics’ proprietary proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell and electrolyser technologies, is designed specifically to extend the silent watch capabilities of the Stryker LAV. Radian Inc. is responsible for the on-board integration of the auxiliary power system and its testing and validation. As part of the 12-month project, the LAV will be tested and demonstrated for the U.S. Army.

“The military is one of the early adopters for hydrogen fuel cells because it has special needs for quiet and cool temperature operations. In addition, a regenerative system such as this one removes the need to carry an additional fuel into the field,” said Pierre Rivard, President and CEO of Hydrogenics.

The electrolyzer component of the on-board regenerative system produces hydrogen which is then stored and subsequently used, on-demand, by the fuel cell component. Fuel cells generate electricity quietly with a low temperature signature, zero emissions and improved efficiency as compared to the conventional light armoured vehicle main internal combustion engine. In addition, the unit is considerably more efficient in cold weather than batteries and eliminates any issues related to toxicity and recycling. This same regenerative auxiliary power technology is applicable for other non-military purposes such as the reduction of idling emissions in commercial transport vehicles.

Website: http://www.hydrogenics.com     
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