Cape Wind Passes Regulatory Milestone

Published on: May 11, 2005

Marking a major milestone in the Cape Wind permitting process, the Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB), the agency charged with ensuring a reliable energy supply at the least cost and environmental impact, voted to approve the interconnection of Cape Wind’s buried electric cables to the electric transmission system in Massachusetts.

The Board’s vote today adopted the EFSB staff’s Tentative Decision issued in July, 2004 to approve Cape Wind’s electric transmission cable. The Tentative Decision states that, “the power from the wind farm is needed on reliability and economic grounds, and to meet the requirements of Massachusetts and regional renewable portfolio standards.” The vote follows a 32-month adjudicatory process that included 2,900 pages of transcripts and 932 exhibits.

The EFSB report issued last July also stated the environmental benefits that Cape Wind would create, “Overall, the Siting Board concludes that the air quality benefits of the wind farm are significant, and important for Massachusetts and New England.”

The controversial Cape Wind farm would be off-shore off the coast of Cape Cod, MA.

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