Nearly One in Ten 2004 Homes Qualified for Energy Star

Published on: March 4, 2005

Nearly 10 percent of all homes built in 2004 qualified for Energy Star, according to an EPA report. Since 1995 more than 350,000 of the nation’s new homes have met Energy Star ratings, saving homeowners an estimated $200 million and eliminating approximately 4 million pounds of greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to the emissions of about 150,000 vehicles.

Home energy use accounts for nearly 17 percent of the total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and 15 percent of energy consumption nationwide. For the past 10 years, EPA has been working with the housing industry, utilities, states, and independent energy efficiency home ratings professionals to bring increased energy efficiency to the homebuilding industry. Today more than 2,500 builders are committed to building Energy Star qualified homes, and in some markets 20 to 40 percent of new housing starts earn the Energy Star.

New homes that qualify for the Energy Star designation use about 30 percent less energy than a home built to the model energy code without compromising comfort or quality. Energy Star qualified homes can be found in every state and the District of Columbia.

States with the most Energy Star qualified homes include Texas, with more than 91,000 qualifying homes, California with more than 52,000 qualifying homes, and Arizona, with more than 41,000 qualifying homes. States with at least 10 percent of new homes earning the Energy Star in 2004 include Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas and Vermont.

For a copy of the report, “A Decade of Change in Homebuilding with Energy Star, visit the website or call the Energy Star Hotline at 1-888-STAR-YES (1-888-782-7937).

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