Fuel Cell Industry Applauds Transportation and Infrastructure Legislation

Published on: March 3, 2005

The US Fuel Cell Council applauded a House Committee’s decision today to include nearly $65 million for fuel cell buses in the proposed federal transit policy legislation.

The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee marked up H.R. 3, the Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users or TEA-LU, today.

The legislation includes the Fuel Cell Bus Technology Demonstration Program, a $64.8 million, cost-shared, competitively awarded grant with a maximum of four projects to be selected from geographically diverse areas of the country. The initiative covers hydrogen production, energy storage, fuel cell technologies, vehicle systems integration and power electronics technologies.

The program focuses on technology integration, testing, demonstration and validation of fuel cell vehicle technologies and supporting infrastructure.

“Today’s decision is a wonderful first step in bringing fuel cell technology to America’s transit industry. Having said that, the fuel cell industry believes a more robust program is necessary to accelerate full scale commercialization,” stated Robert Rose, Executive Director of the US Fuel Cell Council. Rose pointed to the 10-city program already under way in Europe, the CUTE program, as a example of the scale of program the Council supports and the industry needs.

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