Utility Green Pricing – Palo Alto Achieves 10% Enrollment Goal

Published on: December 7, 2004

Less than 18 months after unveiling its 'PaloAltoGreen' renewable energy program, the City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) announced that it has reached its goal of enrolling 10% of its customers in the program, making it the second utility green pricing program to achieve a double-digit customer participation rate. Currently, about 2,780 residential and business customers participate in the program through which customers can purchase green energy from wind and solar energy resources at an extra cost of 1.5/kWh above standard rates. CPAU also recently announced that Roche, a Swiss-based healthcare group that employs about 1,000 people within the city, has committed to purchase 1.8 million kWh of renewable energy annually through the 'PaloAltoGreen' program, or enough to meet 5% of the power required for its Palo Alto facilities.

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