Los Angeles Rejects Hoover Dam from City RPS

Published on: October 7, 2004

by Bernadette Del Chiaro

The Los Angeles City Council passed today language restricting electricity generated by Hoover Dam from inclusion in thecity's recently adopted 20% by 2017 Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) thereby joining the rest of the state in adopting the nation's strongest clean energy goal. The vote requires the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) to increase investments, by up to 1,000 additional MW, from technologies such as solar, wind, and geothermal power over the next thirteen years, while limiting eligible hydroelectric facilities to small-sized plants.

Today's vote comes two years after the California Legislature passed a law requiring all investor-owned utilities to meet a 20% by 2017 clean energy goal while requiring all publicly-owned utilities to adopt their own policies. Because Los Angeles is the largest publicly-owned utility in the country generating as much if not more power than 19 states, a coalition of environmental groups has been advocating that Los Angeles join the state in developing the region's renewable energy resources. According to Environment California, over the past two years, more than 20,000 Los Angeles residents have voiced their support for a strong clean energy standard in Los Angeles.

"Today's vote ultimately means more renewable energy, cleaner air, and a more affordable, stable energy supply for Los Angeles," said Bernadette Del Chiaro, Clean Energy Advocate for Environment California. "It's been a two-year-long David vs. Goliath battle but today, the good guys, meaning the public and the environment, clearly won out over the fossil fuel lobby."

Los Angeles DWP currently generates 50% of its electricity from coal power plants located in Nevada, Arizona and Utah making it one of the dirtiest publicly owned utilities in the country. Approximately 10-12% of the city's electricity comes from hydroelectric power plants, with Hoover Dam, located along the Colorado River in Arizona, making up the bulk of this supply.

Environmental groups were opposed to including Hoover Dam in the RPS arguing that it would have reduced the city's investment in new renewable energy by up to 300 MW while setting a bad precedent nationally. Without Hoover, Los Angeles will have to develop more than 1,000 MW of new renewable energy capacity over the next thirteen years to meet its 20% by 2017 goal.

In addition to a contract with Hoover Dam that expires in 2017, the DWP owns 14 small-sized hydroelectric facilities along the Los Angeles Aqueduct and Owens Valley. These facilities range in size from less than 1 MW to 69 MW. By comparison, California state law excludes any hydroelectric plant greater than 30 MW in size from counting toward the state's RPS.

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