Hemp Fiber Enzyme Development from Hemptown Clothing Provides Insight into Biotech Advances

Published on: July 27, 2004

VANCOUVER, July 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ – Hemptown Clothing Inc. (NASD OTCBB: HPTWF), a leading provider of enviro-friendly hemp fabric clothing is pleased to announce that its recent presentation with the National Research Council of Canada provided excellent documentation regarding the impact of NRC's xylanase engineering on the Pulp & Paper Industry, and how such a similar enzyme may work with hemp fiber.
Hemptown recently announced that it entered into a collaboration with the NRC for the development of a patentable enzyme technology process that may see hemp fibers replace cotton worldwide. Dr. Wing Sung, Lead Researcher at the NRC, explained how similar technology has positively affected the Pulp & Paper Industry by reducing production costs as well as reducing chemical and waste discharges.

Hemp fiber is similar in its structure to wood pulp, and the NRC is working to build an enzyme specific to industrial hemp that will break down the sugar polymers in a matter of hours versus the conventional method which can take more than a month. This would pave the way for Hemptown to convert the raw hemp into textiles and industrial fiber on a large-scale basis at its planned fiber production facility in Saskatchewan, Canada, as well as allowing Hemptown to license out the patented technology to third parties.

Hemptown intends to develop a hemp fiber production facility in Saskatchewan, Canada and purchase its hemp requirements from local suppliers, thereby creating a domestic industrial hemp agronomy. Eventually, the Company believes that it could compete directly with the Cotton Industry both in fabric quality and pricing.

Jason Finnis, President of Hemptown, commented, "Hemp fiber is the strongest and most durable among natural fibers; so strong that it is even being developed into products such as windmill blades and automobile panels. And hemp converts five times (5X) more Carbon Dioxide into biomass versus a tree without herbicides or pesticides, making it a profitable and truly socially responsible cash crop for farmers who are looking for alternatives."

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