The Chairman of one of the world's biggest oil companies has said that he is 'really very worried for the planet' due to the amount of carbon dioxide that is being pumped out. Ron Oxburgh, Chairman of Shell Oil has gone further than many of his peers in one of the world's most polluting industries, by voicing his fears over climate change.
"No one can be comfortable at the prospect of continuing to pump out the amounts of carbon dioxide that we are at present," he told The Guardian newspaper. "People are going to go on allowing this atmospheric carbon dioxide to build up, with consequences that we really can't predict, but are probably not good."
He likened his position on global warming to that of Tony Blair's Chief Scientific Advisor Sir David King, who said global warming was a bigger threat than terrorism.
He pointed to carbon sequestration as the best method to help combat climate change. "Sequestration is difficult," he said. "But if we don't have sequestration I see very little hope for the world."