The Florida Hydrogen Initiative, Inc. today announced the opening of a solicitation for Letters of Interest from parties interested in pursuing hydrogen energy related research and demonstration projects within Florida.
The Florida Hydrogen Initiative, Inc. (FHI) is a nonprofit organization fostered by the leadership of Congressman Dave Weldon that seeks to move Florida to the forefront of the nation's hydrogen economy. The FHI will use its resources to aid the development of a vigorous Florida-based hydrogen industry. The nonprofit corporation is comprised of public leaders, university researchers, citizens, and industry representatives.
The Florida Hydrogen Initiative seeks to develop Florida's hydrogen infrastructure by:
Brokering partnerships for applied technology demonstration projects throughout the state;
Sponsoring targeted research in the production, storage and use of hydrogen fuels;
Facilitating technology transfers between the public and private sectors to create, build and strengthen high-growth, high technology companies.
In 2004, FHI will receive approximately $2 million from the U.S. Department of Energy for hydrogen projects in Florida. In March 2004, the Florida Hydrogen Initiative requested and received letters of interest to identify partners for projects that support programmatic interests. In an effort to expand the pool of possible projects, FHI is re-opening this solicitation for Letters of Interest.
FHI will entertain letters of interest from parties proposing to increase the diversity and coverage of the hydrogen energy infrastructure in Florida or for infrastructure-related research and development projects. Letters must be received by June 19, 2004.
For the complete solicitation, please see: